NEA: Coursework

 Friday 11th September 2020

Coursework: Magazine Cover Practise 

Wednesday 16th September 2020


Learning Objective: To research codes and conventions of similar products.

Fashion magazine codes and conventions:

  • Magazines usually have a large picture of the model on the cover and they have colourful text for the headers which is all different sizes depending on the importance. 
  • There is usually a few bright colours used on the cover.
  • Cover lines to explain what is in the magazine & quotes.
  • The covers are usually laid out with one image of a person on the front with text around explaining what is in the magazine. 
  • The double page spreads have another picture of a person and text in blocks around or below or above the image and will have quotes from the person around the page.
  • HOUSE STYLE - fashion magazines have a colour scheme to match the main image or sometimes contrast it. The layout features are similar on each magazine and the fonts are generally sans serif. 
  • PRODUCTION VALUES - usually high because they will have a photoshoot and glossy covers and good paper.
  • IDEOLOGY - They usually have positive cover lines and things that the readers can relate to, said by celebrities etc.
  • COLOUR PALETTE & TYPOGRAPHY - The colours match to the main image of the magazine and they use sans serif font. The text on a double page spread is always small and has a lot of information on it.
  • TARGET AUDIENCE - The target audience is aimed at teenagers and it appeals to them because it says there are things that they relate to on the cover and also the clothing that the model is wearing on the front may be something the target audience would be likely to wear. 

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
Initial Planning

Name: Upscale, Catwalk
Sub-genre: Vintage/grunge/alternative
Representation: make-up and clothing to match the colour scheme.
House style: Probably use sans serif fonts and conventional layout
Colour palette: Black, grey, white & a bright colour
Cover image ideas: One big image of an outfit
Possible cover lines: 
Info to include: Barcode
DPS article subject: Different style ideas etc. 
DPS image ideas: Different clothing images with writing around it

Friday 25th September 2020
Surfing Magazine

Wednesday 30th September 2020
Plan For Magazine

Name: Upscale, Catwalk, Alternative
Tagline: The alternative fashion magazine
Sub-genre: alternative
Representation: make-up and clothing to match the colour scheme.
House style: Probably use sans serif fonts and unconventional layout, different placement to conventional magazines.
Colour palette: Black, grey, white & a bright colour to match image
Cover image ideas: One big image of an outfit 
Possible cover lines: Alternative fashion ideas
Info to include: Barcode
DPS article subject: Different style ideas, about alternative fashion.DPS image ideas: Different clothing images of one outfit and then the colour scheme of that page matching the image. 

Use mainly mid shots, medium long shots to show all of the outfit.

Wednesday 7th October 2020

Target Audience

Learning Objective: To research our target audience to enable successful targeting.

Age - 14-18
Gender - Female
Level of Education - GCSE & A-level
Job: Part time
Race: Any
Hobbies and Interests: Art 

My target audience would be made up of mainly reformers who have a freedom of restrictions, social awareness and independent judgement. Anti-materialistic but aware of good taste. Selects products for quality.

What would they think of school?
  • They probably wouldn't like it very much but do try do well in lessons
What hobbies would they have?
  • Drawing or anything artistic. 
  • Reading
  • Fashion
Would they be more likely to live in urban or rural areas?
  • Urban
What would their favourite subjects be?
  • English
  • Art
  • Textiles
What is important to them?
  • Family & friends.
  • Doing well at school
  • Creativity
How would they socialise?
  • Mainly over social media
  • Sometimes going out but not as much
How would their friends describe them?
  • Creative
  • Funny
  • Kind
How would they feel about fashion?
  • They're probably quite interested in it and take care in what clothes they choose to buy and wear.
Why would your product appeal to them?
  • Because it would be about clothes they are interested in and have things they relate to. It would also have elements that aren't conventional and are different (like reformers). The fashion in the magazine would also be things that they wear and shows individuality.

Friday 9th October 2020

Visual Elements in Editorial Design

  • Headline: Headlines are an important part of the information in the magazine and it is usually in large font.
  • Layout/Image: It is a large image that would take up a lot of the page. It may also be of a person that has an interview in the magazine.
  • Display Type: It is to get the attention of a reader (normally larger than 14 point).
  • Kicker: An introduction to the piece of writing in the magazine and it is just a few sentences that will lead on to the main piece.
  • Intro/Stand-First/Deck: Short article summary that would come after a title to introduce the reader to the text.
  • Byline: Will give the reader a name of the person who wrote the article.
  • Body Copy: The writing that creates the main piece of information in a magazine that would have been advertised on the cover.
  • Lead: Leads into the main information of a magazine.
  • Nut Graf: Tells reader what is going to happen in a magazine and the important part.
  • Baseline: The template in which magazine designs are based on.
  • Subhead: It will break up the text and also give the reader some idea what is going to be talked about in the magazine.
  • Pull Quote: An important quote that will get the reader's interest or tell them what the magazine will include.
  • Header/Footer: Contain the main points and put in the margin area around the text.
  • Folio: A caption or may contain the magazine's name and issue date.

My Music Magazine:

Wednesday 14th October 2020

Creative Photography

Learning Objective: To explore and create creative photoshoot ideas.

Plan Photoshoot
  • Shot type: Low angle shot, no face
  • Theme: 
  • Model: A friend/family member
  • Outfit/style: 
  • Location (ideal): Town/somewhere kind of dark
  • Props: Fairy lights, hat
  • Materials needed: 

Masthead Idea:

Wednesday 21st October 2020

Statement of Intent

Learning Objective: To produce a concise and clear statement.

Friday 13th November 2020

Magazine Design

Friday 27th November 2020

I started making the double page spread. I will probably put one or two more images on and put the actual titles. I will also start making the front cover.

Wednesday 17th March 2021

Coursework Audit

Learning Objective:  To review work so far and create a detailed plan.

Wednesday 24th March - Try to finish masthead and do the cover photo (front cover).

Friday 26th March - Layout of DPS & add article linking to cover line.

Wednesday 31st March - Slogan and barcode.

Wednesday 21st April - Finish DPS overall with sub-headings etc.

Friday 23rd April - Make sure everything is finished, check layouts.

Wednesday 28th April - Checking and hand it in.


  1. Good research.
    I like your initial ideas, but it its a grunge/lo-fi look, would you expect a conventional layout??

  2. Great research here Amelia, aim to use this in your design ideas.

  3. A great start Amelia - good use of InDesign - looking forward to seeing your cover image.
