P2: Lego Movie

Friday 13th September 2019

The Lego Movie

Simultaneous Releases:

Maximised profit- the promotion of the film will create awareness in potential customers of the game
Extends the pleasure of the film
The game promotes the film, the film promotes the game

Personal identity: helps us consider who we are; what ideas and values we identify with
Information: new information we want to know or sake pleasure in knowing
Entertainment: offers distraction from the world
Social interaction: we find things we can share and discuss with others

 The Lego Movie cover is constructed too appeal to the target audience because firstly the font looks like it's made of bricks to symbolise the Lego. Kids would recognise the logo and the brick style. Parents would also recognise it and maybe recommend it to children because they know the brand and what it contains. Also on the cover, they have made it quite colourful so it would appeal to the children more because they would notice it. They also made the background quite busy with characters and creations so people would focus on that and what's happening and it could interest them into buying. Emmet is a character who is shown as like a normal person and he looks like someone that wouldn't really be very interesting. He is holding a spanner which would mean that he builds, fights or even create. The blue spanner is bigger than any of the other props on the poster, suggesting that it is quite important in the game and it shows creativity, proving that you would have to build and create at some point when playing the game, or even improve things that have been built and fixing them. This appeals to the target audience because a lot of kids or teens may be interested in building and seeing different things you would have to create and fix when playing.You can also tell that Emmet is one of the good guys and also Wyldstyle seems like one of the good people too because of the way she is stood like next to Emmet. You can also see that the bad people are behind them kind of chasing them and destructing a lot of things as they go. This makes it obvious that the game has a good vs evil theme and it is easy to tell who is on what side. The link to the movie release is that the characters are all the same and it looks similar too.  These things would appeal to the target audience because they may recognise it from the film or it could also persuade them to watch the film because of the game.

The Lego Movie: Poster Campaign 

Learning Objective: to explain the effectiveness of the campaign; to analyse the poster campaign


  • There is a girl, 4 boys, a monkey and a fox
  • The girl and her group are separated from the fox
  • 2 characters are holding fire torches
  • They all have dark hair
  • The characters are mostly male
  • The fox is separated
  • It is dramatic
  • The characters look intense which suggests that the movie is dramatic.
  • The way that Swiper is separated from the group could show that he isn't a part of their group.
  • Their clothing is like explorers clothing, showing that they are going somewhere and possibly going on some sort of adventure.
  • In the background, it is like a temple so that shows that could be where they are going.
  • They also look kind of scared which could suggest that something is wrong.

Wednesday 18th September 2019

The Lego Movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to its target audience because firstly, there is a lot of action in the poster. This would appeal to maybe all of the target audiences but mostly teenagers and older children because the would be interested in what is happening and what all the characters are doing or what they look like. Furthermore, the colours red and orange suggest danger and action. In addition, Emmet's facial expression suggests comedy because as he is a lego figure, the expression is exaggerated and would be funny to the children it is aimed for, and it shows that his character may not be serious or some of the film itself would have comedy involved. The bright colours make the poster seem in a way childish but also not too childish that it is shown as only for young children. But that also helps show the comedy as movies for young children would have funny moments. The explosion suggests that things are going to be destroyed and it could be dangerous, which may appeal to adults quite an action filled movie. The way that the characters in the front are being chased also provides more for the action and that would appeal to the teenagers also. It's also showing that they are the good characters as they are at the front and in front of the explosion, and the good characters are the ones that are usually shown as the most important or the biggest on the poster. The facial expressions of some of the characters in the back also look quite mean or sinister, proving that those characters won't be nice and they are the ones that the good people are against.  The poster would also appeal to adults because there are superheroes and characters that they would recognise and they were famous when they were younger and also still as they have grown up, like Batman, Superman and Green Lantern.

Wednesday 25th September 2019


Learning Objective: To investigate the ways in which media represents gender

Typically Male:

  • Messy
  • More likely to get mad
  • Rarely cry
  • Don't show emotions
  • They fight more
  • They are shown as stronger
  • Physically strong
  • Emotionally immature (less able to handle emotions)
  • The hero 
  • Manual job or businessman (high status jobs)
  • Either really dumb or very intelligent
  • Wreckless
  • Not always violent but violent characters are often male
  • Go out and provide money for the family
  • Leader

Typically Female:

  • Organised
  • More calm
  • Cry a lot more
  • Show more emotions
  • They are being protected and don't fight
  • Weaker than men
  • Wear dresses
  • Typically pretty
  •  Stay home with children
  • Assistants or sidekicks (person behind leader)
  • Need rescuing or saving
  • Physically weaker
  • Emotionally stronger
  • More sensitive
  • Women are the nurses

Stereotype noun
A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Men: Media Representation

'Masculinity' is a concept that is made up of more rigid stereotypes that femininity

What is the avert/magazine cover trying to sell/promote?
It is trying to sell and promote aftershave

What can you denote?
He is in a suit 
In front of a city
He is shown as important

What are the connotations in the advert?
The city suggests business and wealth. 
The suit also shows that he is wealthy but also cares about his appearance and he wants to look smart.
Highly paid actor (playing characters like Thor who is shown as strong) and sometimes important/main characters.

How are men represented? What stereotypes are used?
Men are shown as strong and powerful and he cares about their looks. They are shown as important and very masculine. It also portrays physical strength.

What is the advert/magazine cover trying to sell/promote?
It is trying to sell and promote an aftershave.

What can you denote?
There is a man and a woman
They are both topless
They are in a pink room

What are the connotations in the advert?

Pink has connotations of love and passion and the aftershave will make you sexually attractive to women.

How are men represented? What stereotypes are used?
They are shown as straight and strong with a 6 pack.

Women: Media Representation
'Femininity' - tends to be linked to either domestic situation or as a sex object.

What is the avert/magazine cover trying to sell/promote?
It is trying to sell and promote the magazine to men

What can you denote?
4 half naked women
A man in the middle
Women there for sex

What are the connotations in the advert?
The man is shown as important because he is in the middle and the girls are shown as sex objects.

In the 70's Laura Mulvey came up with the 'Male Gaze' theory and that women are objectified and to look at. She then came up with the 'Female Gaze' theory and that men are also objectified and things for people to look at.

What is the avert/magazine cover trying to sell/promote?
It is trying to sell and promote a game with a strong female.

What can you denote?
There is a woman
She is shown as a fighter
Also sexualised

What are the connotations in the advert?
She is shown as strong and a fighter which is an anti-stereotype but she is also sexualised and also for the 'Male Gaze'. Her clothes hug her figure which is like an hourglass too. The target audience is males mostly . She is independent, she can survive and she doesn't need saving, she's also seen as capable and these are all anti-stereotypes.

Representations of men and women in the media are shown a lot in stereotypes. Men are shown as strong and poweful and leaders, whereas women are shown as weaker than men and sexualised and also a lot more emotional.

For example, in aftershave adverts the men are in the middle or at the front and quite important compared to if there is women in the adverts. Women in perfume adverts are shown as sexualised and glamorous a lot.

Friday 27th September 2019

The Lego Movie: Poster Campaign

Learning Objective: to explain the effectiveness of the campaign; to analyse the poster campaign.

Analyse how GENDER is represented in the poster campaign for The Lego Movie.

In The Lego Movie teaser trailer posters, gender is represented in a lot of different ways and they use anti-stereotypes and ordinary stereotypes. Emmet is shown as an ordinary stereotypical male, especially as a builder, this is shown by his jacket that he wears which is what stereotypical builders would wear. However, he looks scared and men aren't normally shown as scared. Lord Business, is a stereotypical male because he is shown as strong and quite angry, which is what the media usually portrays men to be. On the other hand, the main female character, Wyldstyle is shown as strong and anti-stereotypical, she doesn't wear clothes that the media shows girls to wear but she also has lipstick, eyelashes and eyebrows like a girl typically would have so they would look pretty and how a girl "should look". She is shown to be more "emo" and that isn't how females were shown. She wears darker coloured clothes compared to light coloured clothes that girls are usually wearing. She is really strong as a female and doesn't need help which is unusual for what the media shows.

Peer assessed by Livi ;) 
WWW: You identified specific stereotypes and described representations of males and females. 
EBI: Next time try to make your sentences longer. 

Additions in green

Wednesday 2nd October 2019


Learning Objective: To create a media text showing awareness of representation.
Captain America (The First Avenger)

Age: Adults, young

Gender: 3 males, 1 female

Disability: None

Ethnicity: American

Sexuality: Straight

Age: Young, or older teenagers

Gender: Male and female, the main villain in the film is a female

Disability: None

Ethnicity: White American

Sexuality: Straight

The movie poster isn't finished yet and it doesn't have everything it needs.

My movie poster is quite anti-stereotypical for a teen movie because a lot of them aren't like how a normal teen movie is for, even if it is for boys and girls. 

Friday 11th October 2019

The Lego Movie: Put It All Together

Learning Objective: To explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively.

Who regulates:
Film - British Board of Film Classification
TV and Radio - Ofcom
Advertising - Advertising Standards Authority
Magazines and Newspapers Independent Press Standards Organisation and IMPRESS
Videogames - Video Standards Council

Question one will be a simple fact question (usually 1/2 marks)
Give reasons why (4 marks)
Two long answer where you will be expected to support your ideas using The Lego Movie as an example (10 marks for each) 

Personal Identity
Social Interaction

  • Write clearly 7 concisely
  • Use accurate TERMINOLOGY
  • Support answers with examples
Analyse how the Lego Movie posters use stereotypes to create representations that are easily understood.

The Lego Movie posters use stereotypes to create representations that are easily understood by making them obvious in each character. To begin, Emmett is told to be and shown as a "nobody". They show this by making him an average person that you wouldn't really think much about and someone who is quite "normal". They show him as an ordinary worker and nobody special, it is normally anti-stereotypical hero to make someone so normal the main character, but it worked for the movie. In addition, they give him scared facial expressions which isn't how the main characters are usually shown as they are shown as strong and not scared of anything, especially if they are a male.

Moreover, Wyldstyle is shown as what people would expect males sidekicks to be shown as. She is a lot stronger than the other characters and she is more of a fighter in the posters. She doesn't look scared which is how the media represents sidekicks in general in movies. Her clothing is quite dark and so is her hair instead of being bright and pastel to match sidekick stereotypes. On the other hand, Wyldstyle is shown as wearing makeup and has stereotypical features on her face for a female. She is wearing lipstick and also has eyelashes which is how females are portrayed in the media. She isn't a stereotypical female and is very different.

Finally, there is Lord Business who is shown as a strong and also angry male antagonist. This is what is expected and he is quite a stereotypical villain. His facial expression is quite angry and it isn't worried like Emmet's. This also helps you see that he would be the villain in the movie, especially as he is in the back and he is also wearing red which is seen as a colour of danger, or is quite often the colour that represents villains. Lord Business also looks happy in an evil way, even when people are running away from him and are scared of him. This also shows that he is a stereotypical male antagonist in the movie. He is shown as being strong and menacing against the other characters and someone that a lot of people would know. Overall, he is shown as a stereotypical male antagonist, in the way that the media expects.

Not completely finished


  1. TV ADVERT: details understood

    WWW - Fantastic analysis! You've identified different elements and explained how they appeal to the TA
    DIRT - Include connotations in your analysis

  2. VG DIRT - this is good. Well done.

    Poster campaign - excellent and detailed analysis.

    Representation Analysis:
    WWW - you've identified the different uses of stereotypes and their effects
    DIRT - include CONNOTATIONS in your analysis.

  3. Exam Practice:
    WWW - Excellent analysis that includes detailed references
    DIRT - Terminology. Use the specific names of stereotypes, 'hero', 'sidekick', rather than generic gender based ones
